1. TOP
  2. イベント一覧
  3. セミナー
  4. Utilization of Spectral Data for Materials Informatics ー Feature Extraction and Analysis ー(スペクトルデータのマテリアルズ・インフォマティクスへの活用 ー 特徴量抽出と解析 ー)

Utilization of Spectral Data for Materials Informatics ー Feature Extraction and Analysis ー(スペクトルデータのマテリアルズ・インフォマティクスへの活用 ー 特徴量抽出と解析 ー)


■Background of this seminar(開催の背景)

In recent years, affected by the declining birthrate, aging population, and shortage of workers in Japan, the aim has shifted from traditional R&D based on experience and intuition to the use of data to conduct R&D more efficiently and to develop materials that could not be discovered by humans. In addition, Materials Informatics (MI), which is the research and development of materials utilizing statistics and data science, is also attracting attention from the perspective of how to adapt digital transformation (DX) to research and development.

While more and more companies are utilizing MI, and it is increasingly recognized as an inevitable tool in materials development, we have heard many people say that they want to apply spectral data obtained from experiments to MI, but are struggling with the methods to do so.

In this seminar, Jirayupat, a data scientist of MI-6, will talk about how to extract features from spectral data and how to analyze them.




■Entry fee(参加費)



Lecture by speaker 40 minutes
登壇者より講演 40分
Q&A: 20 minutes(The time left)


・Feature extraction of spectral data (スペクトルデータの特徴量抽出)
・Analysis of spectral data(スペクトルデータの解析)

A 40-minute presentation on the above and a 20-minute Q&A session will be scheduled.

*The contents are subject to change. Please understand in advance.
*This seminar will be presented in English, but you may ask questions in Japanese.


MI-6 Ltd. Data Scientist Chaiyanut Poom Jirayupat(MI-6株式会社/データサイエンティスト Chaiyanut Poom Jirayupat)

In his Bachelor’s and Master’s studies, he specialized in nano-material analysis using techniques such as XRD, Raman, XPS, EDS, and sensor data processing. For his Doctoral degree, he integrated machine learning to extract features from human breath and artificial olfactory systems, utilizing GC-MS spectrum and gas sensor data at the University of Tokyo and Kyushu University. Currently employed as a data scientist at MI-6, he is focusing on the development of an automated platform for extracting features from spectral data.

■The persons subject to this seminar(対象者)

・Persons involved in Materials Informatics (Researchers, Analysts, Management, etc.)
・Persons who are struggling with spectral data analysis methods.

■Application deadline(申込締め切り)

Wednesday, Feb/28/2024 14:00

■Contact information(問い合わせ先)

MI-6 Ltd. Data Business development department bd@mi-6.co.jp
MI-6株式会社 事業開発部 bd@mi-6.co.jp

※Advance information will be sent to the email address you register to confirm the number of participants the day before the event.In some cases, we may not be able to contact you due to spam settings or incorrect email addresses.Please help us by checking the settings and making sure the registered address is correct.
※ご登録いただくメールアドレスに、開催前日の参加者の確定を目処に事前案内のメールをお送りします。 迷惑メールの設定や、メールアドレスの記載に誤りによって、ご案内ができないケースがございます。 設定確認と登録アドレスに間違いがないよう、ご協力お願いいたします。
※Applications from other companies in the same industry are not accepted.

